International Symposium on Climate Impacts on Low Flows and Droughts, Vienna 2012


Talks listed as keynote are scheduled 20 min + 10 min discussion, other talks are 15 + 5 min. Please respect the poster guidelines as mailed to the presenters.
Thursday, 1st March
800 - 900 Registration
900 - 930 Welcome and Opening
Welcome Univ.Prof. Dr. phil. Josef Glößl, Vice Rector for Research and International Cooperation
Welcome Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Friedrich Leisch, Head of the Institite of Applied Statistics
Introduction Gregor Laaha
930 - 1100 Drought processes (Chair: Bodo Ahrens)
Sonia Seneviratne Keynote: Droughts in present and future climate: Perspectives on seasonal predictions to multi-decadal projections
Christian Reszler Low flow characteristics - the influence of geological conditions
Adriaan Teuling The role of evapotranspiration and runoff in the development of recent droughts in Central Europe
Björn THOMAS Which catchment properties determine runoff behavior in small catchments?
1100 - 1130 Coffee break and poster session
1130 - 1300 Trends and patterns of droughts (Chair: Sonia Seneviratne)
Lena M. Tallaksen Keynote: Drought and Low Flow in Europe: Observations and Multi-model simulations
Jamie Hannaford European hydrological drought patterns: simulations by Global Hydrological Models and future projections
Jorge Lorenzo-Lacruz Regional assesment of streamflow response to drought at different time scales in the Iberian Peninsula
Vesselin Alexandrov Droughts in Bulgaria and SE Europe - changes and management
1300 - 1400 Lunch break
1400 - 1510 Reconstruction of historic droughts (Chair: Wolfgang Schöner)
Emmanuel Garnier Keynote: The historic approach of the droughts and its perspectives for the research
Neil Macdonald A millennial scale drought history for NW England
Sandra Karanitsch-Ackerl Can tree rings of black pine (Pinus nigra) be used as a proxy for low flow?
1510 - 1530 Discussion of the previous sessions (Chair: Günter Blöschl)
Sonia Seneviratne, Lena Tallaksen, Emmanuel Garnier
1530 - 1600 Coffee break and poster session
1600 - 1730 Modelling low flows and droughts (Chair: Jamie Hannaford)
Benjamin Renard Low flows in France and their relationship to large scale climate indices
Wojciech Jakubowski Estimated distributions of low flow characteristic - some remarks about their instabilities
Maria Staudinger Persistence of the actual hydrological state in streamflow prediction
Gregor Laaha Keynote: A synthesis of low flow prediction at ungauged basins - PUB report and beyond
1900 - 2230 Social event and conference dinner
Friday, 2nd March
800 - 845 Coffee reception
845 - 1000 Climate models and scenarios (Chair: Günter Blöschl)
Bodo Ahrens Keynote: Meteorological dry and wet spells in Europe: observed and simulated by climate models
Shaochun Huang Projection of low flow condition in Germany under climate change by combining three RCMs and a regional hydrological model
Jean-Phillipe Vidal Effect of climate change adaptation and mitigation scenarios on spatio-temporal drought characteristics
1000 - 1030 Coffee break and poster session
1030 - 1140 Implications for water resources management (Chair: Miriam Fendekova)
Christian Kopeinig Keynote: The early warning system for drinking water supply in Carinthia
Mikhail Bolgov Low flow risk assessment for water management
Raphael Meyer The implications of projected climate change on summer low flow in the Swiss Plateau based on a multi-variable calibration of the hydrological modeling system PREVAH
1140 - 1200 Discussion of the previous sessions (Chair: Lena Tallaksen)
Gregor Laaha, Bodo Ahrens, Christian Kopeinig
1200 - 1220 Short break
1220 - 1300 Closing Session
Karl Schwaiger Keynote: Climate impacts on low flows and droughts - first responses at European level
Taha Al-Salim Rainwater Harvesting of Wadi Al-Kassab Basin W. of Mosul City / N. of Iraq; Case Study Facing Drought
Daniel Alexandru Recommendation and development of management options for an improved land use system of the agricultural crops in the Western part of the Romanian Mures Basin
Judit Bartholy Projections of drought index tendencies for Central/Eastern Europe in the 21st century
Mathias Deutsch Low water events on the Elbe and Weser River with special focus on the year 1911
Hadi Donyadoost Study probaility climate change of Markazie province
Ahmad Fatehi Marj Streamflow forecasting using climatic signals and artificial neural network
Miriam Fendekova Groundwater drought in the Nitra River basin - identification and classification
Felix Fundel Monthly Forecasts of Hydrological Droughts
Borbala Galos Impacts of the increasing drought frequency on the lower limit of forest distribution in Central Europe
Sandra Garcia-Galiano Assessing drought risk in West Mediterranean basin from non-stationary PDF ensemble
Georg HEINRICH The future of dry and wet spells in Europe: A comprehensive study based on the ENSEMBLES regional climate models
Nosrati Kazem Regional low flow frequency analysis using hybrid regression method
Silvia Kohnova tba.
Masoud Moradi Survey of the affective parameters on the stream flow using the Artificial neural network in dehgolan catchment, Kurdistan, Iran
Abolfazi Mosaedi Investigation and evaluation of different methods of appropriate drought index
Argentina Teodora Nertan Vegetation state assessment based on satellite derived products for drought monitoring in the Mures Basin
Rita Pongracz Analysis of projected changes in climate index CDD for Hungary using ENSEMBLES simulations
Stanislava Radeva Drought in Bulgaria
Eric Sauquet Climate and hydrological uncertainties in future low-flows in France
Andreas Schaumberger Modelling and Analysing Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Drought in GIS
Gerhard Soja Climate impacts on water level of Lake Neusiedl and Flow of River Wulka
Philipp Stanzel Climate change impact on low flows in Austria: changes in runoff and seasonality
Beverley Todd Reconstructing a 300 Year Drought Record for Southern Britain
Koen Verbist Development of an operational drought risk management system for the Chilean Drylands
Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano Performance of drought indices for ecological, agricultural and hydrological applications
Mehrez Zribi Analysis of drought events in a North Africa semi-arid region, Using SPOT-VEGETATION and C band scatterometer satellite Data